A building permit is a license which grants legal permission to start construction of a building. Permits allow the enforcement of codes, standards, and bylaws which have been adopted by the local or provincial governing body.
The enforcement of the building code standards and bylaws is carried out to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public. The governing body which enforces the code is acting to assure safe construction.
The Building Inspector for the Town of Springside is Reg Churko of RC Inspections.
For all Building Permits there will be mandatory Call-in Stages for Inspection set out.
If the inspection schedule is not followed a Stop Work Order will be issued so that building code compliance can be verified. This process may require additional construction costs and inspection fees being charged to the owner/contractor.
What projects require Building Permits?
Please note:
What projects do not require Building Permits?
All permit applications must include the Application for Building / Development Permit and the following corresponding worksheet. These worksheets may be viewed, printed and downloaded below.
*Application for Building/Development Permit
*Move or Demo Worksheet
*Basement Development Worksheet
*Dwelling Addition Worksheet
*Garage Worksheet for attached or detached garage
*Deck Worksheet
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