Pursuant to Section 185(3) of the Municipalities Act, the Town is required to publicize the Auditor's Summary of the Financial Statements. Please see below.
Hard copies will also be included in the 2nd Quarter 2024 Utility Billing.
2023 FS SUMM Town of Springside (pdf)
DownloadIf you have a problem with a pet in your neighbourhood, and would like the Bylaw Control Officer to check up on the situation, please complete the Animal Complaint/Incident Form attached below and submit to the Town Office. If you submit a complaint it will outline your issue, you will need to sign the complaint and if the issue goes to court you could be asked to testify. It is rare that an animal control issue goes to court - when the Bylaw Control officer attends the residence, she will assess the situation and issue a warning. If the warning is not in compliance by her next visit - a fine will be issued. If the fines are not addressed, then court action may follow.
Some guidelines to follow to avoid a visit from the Bylaw Control Officer:
1) Register your pet with the Town of Springside. Pet Licence renewals are due January 1 of each year and must be paid by February 1 of each year. A dog/car license is $5.00 unless your animal has been deemed a dangerous animal. The Pet Registration Form is attached below.
2) Pets are not allowed to be off leash and unattended as per Bylaw 2019-07. If your pet is outside, please ensure that it is on a secure tether.
3) Clean up after your pet! If you are walking your dog, please clean up behind it!
The Town of Springside understands that family pets are family. We only request that each resident acts as a responsible pet owner. For your reference the Animal Control Bylaw 2019-07 is attached below.
Available for Download below are some of the most commonly referenced Bylaws in the Town of Springside:
The following forms are provided for reading, printing or downloading:
For parts of the Town of Springside, for more information please click "learn more"