The Town has received confirmation from the Provincial Laboratory that our water samples are negative for bacterial presence therefore the PDWA has been rescinded.
What is property assessment?
Property assessment is the process of determining a property's assessed value for property tax purposes as of a specific date. Assessed value is not market value; however, for most types of property it is close to the average market value in that municipality or neighborhood. Assessed value is determined by applying the market valuation standard as well as the rules and procedures that are contained in The Municipalities Act, Saskatchewan Assessment Manual and, by following the appropriate statutes.
What is the Role of the Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency?
The Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA) manages the province’s property assessment system developed in consultation with municipalities, stakeholders and the provincial government. While some larger cities are responsible for their own assessments, most municipalities (including the Town of Springside) have their Property Assessments performed by SAMA. All municipalities use property assessments as a basis for the distribution of property taxes among property owners. The assessment of a property is the value assigned to it as the basis for allocating taxes among various classes of property.
What does 2025 Revaluation mean?
SAMA conducts revaluations based on a four-year cycle. 2021 was the year of the last revaluation, and the 2025 Revaluation will see assessed values updated to reflect a new base date of January 1, 2023. The legislated base date means that 2025 values reflect a property’s value as of January 1, 2023.
What property is assessable?
All land and improvements (buildings) are assessable.
· The term "land" refers to the legally surveyed parcel of ground to which an owner has title or a lessee has access.
· "Improvements" are buildings or structures on the land, including machinery or equipment that is used to service the building.
· "Property" means land or improvements or both.
Is this Assessment Notice the same as my Tax Notice?
No - Property assessment is not the same as property tax. Assessment just first part of a process established by Provincial Legislation whereby SAMA determines the assessed value for properties.
The second part is the application of provincial government established tax policy, such as:
a) Property Classes: Most properties in the Town of Springside fall under the residential property class, we have a few commercial properties, railway rights of way and elevators.
b) Percentages of Value: Residential properties are taxed on 80% of the assessed value, commercial, railway and elevators at 85%.
c) Statutory Exemptions: The Municipalities Act states that certain properties are exempt from taxes. Some examples include crown property, municipal buildings, legion buildings, places of worship and schools.
The third part of the process involves municipalities annually determining the local mill rate based on local budget needs. After the Town’s budgeting process has been completed for 2025, mill rate, base tax and minimum tax rates will be set.
Finally, the province sets the mill rate for the education property tax after the provincial budget is announced.
At that point (sometime in May) the tax notices will be mailed to all residents.
Who can I contact if I have questions about my assessment?
If you have specific questions regarding why your property has been assessed a certain way, or what the things on your assessment mean, you may contact SAMA directly at 1-800-498-0576. You may also contact the Town Office at 306-792-2022 regarding the assessment, the appeals process, or with questions on how your assessment might affect your taxes.
What if I feel my assessment is incorrect?
If you feel your assessment is in error you can appeal it if you have sufficient grounds for the appeal. For example, perhaps SAMA has rated the condition of your property ‘average’, but you feel it is in ‘poor’ condition, or they have assessed a deck on your property in a previous year and the deck has since been removed. The more information you can provide to back up your grounds for appeal the better.
How do appeals work?
Simply submit the associated appeal fee with the applicable appeal form (bottom of the Assessment Notice) while the roll is open, and your appeal will be processed. In a province-wide revaluation year the assessment roll is open for 60 days so the deadline for appeals is April 30, 2025.
The Town of Springside has an Appeal Fee of $60.00 which must be paid prior to the Appeal being processed. If you win your appeal, you will receive a refund of your appeal fee.
When you submit your appeal form to the Board of Revision, the appeal information is sent to SAMA. SAMA will review your appeal to see if there has in fact been an error on their end that they can make an agreement to correct. If you agree to their correction, you sign the agreement to adjust, withdraw your appeal and receive a refund of your appeal fee. If there is no agreement to adjust through SAMA, your appeal will be reviewed and heard by the board of revision. The Town of Springside’s Board of Revision is ADR Saskatchewan Centralized Board of Revision Inc.
Waterworks Rate Policy
On April 8, 2024, Council enacted Bylaw No. 2024-01 – A Bylaw to Fix the Water and Sewer Utility Rates. This bylaw sets the rates to be charged for water, sewer, connection fees, bulk water rates, quarterly infrastructure levy, penalties and disconnection fees. This Bylaw was approved by the Saskatchewan Municipal Board on April 22, 2024.
The quarterly water rate was chosen in this bylaw is a rate that is affordable for residents and businesses and aims to work towards self-financing waterworks where users pay for the cost of the service. The quarterly fees are anticipated to generate enough waterworks revenue to cover the waterworks operating expenses.
Council will monitor those expenses to determine if a rate increase is necessary in coming years to ensure this user service is self-sustaining.
Council will continue to review its waterworks rate policy annually to determine if revenues are covering expenses. This waterworks rate policy will work towards:
· A financially independent waterworks that does not have to compete with other key demands on the municipal general revenue.
· Ensure the Town’s waterworks can provide safe drinking water.
· Influence consumer demand and water conservation.
· Reduce pressures on property taxes which may impact future mill rates.
Waterworks Capital Investment Strategy
At their Regular Meeting on August 14, 2024, Council adopted Resolution No. 2024/97 which states:
“THAT, the Town of Springside’s waterworks capital investment strategy be to budget each year for anticipated maintenance in order to build larger reserves which combined with increased water rates, long term borrowing, municipal collaboration and grant funding can be used to upgrade, replace and repair the waterworks as necessary. The capital investment strategy will ensure that safe drinking water can be provided to the residents and businesses in the community in the present and future.”
The objective of the waterworks capital investment strategy is to address anticipated waterworks infrastructure maintenance or the replacement of waterworks infrastructure in a timely manner so as to ensure the municipal waterworks provides an uninterrupted supply of drinking water to residents and businesses. The strategy uses the 2006 waterworks assessment that was required by Saskatchewan Environment for infrastructure planning as well as the Water Treatment Plant Evaluation completed on March 13, 2023 by BCL Engineering. To cover the cost of future waterworks infrastructure maintenance and replacements, Council will likely need to utilize a combination of increased water rates and/or loans and/or grant funding and/or collaborating with other municipalities. New funding streams will be continually researched to ensure that the aging infrastructure will be replaced or maintained as necessary.
2023 Public Reporting on Municipal Waterworks
· Total waterworks revenue (R): $144,403.89
· Total waterworks expenses (E): $187,129.29
· Total debt payments on waterworks infrastructure loans for 2023: nil
· Comparison of waterworks revenues to expenses expressed as a ratio:
R = $144,403.89 = 0.771
E $187,129.29
For 2023, waterworks revenues covered 77.1% of the waterworks expenses.
Ratio Explanation: Comparison of waterworks revenues to expenses expressed as a ratio without the inclusion of amortization expenses is 1.271.
Note that the following information required pursuant to section 54 of The Municipalities Regulations is available for inspection at the Town Office during regular office hours:
· Current waterworks rate policy as outlined in Bylaw No. 2024-01
· Current Capital Investment Strategy as outlined in Resolution No. 2024/97
· 2023 waterworks revenues, expenses, revenues to expenses (expressed as a ratio) and any explanation of the ratio that the municipality considers necessary.
· Current Waterworks reserves (As of December 31, 2023, there was $691,048.49 in reserves available for waterworks capital infrastructure).
· Most recent waterworks independent engineering assessment – completed by Stantec in 2006.
· The Town of Springside does not have any capital plans or sources of funding for infrastructure projects until grant funding becomes available.
· The Town of Springside has not entered into any agreements respecting the provision of waterworks services.
The following additional information available for inspection at the Town Office during regular office hours includes:
· 2023 Audited Financial Statement
· Drinking Water Quality and Compliance – Annual Notice to Consumers for January 1-December 31, 2023.
The Water Security Agency and the Ministry of the Environment requires that at least once per year waterworks operators provide notification to consumers of the quality of water produced and supplied as well as information on the performance of the waterworks in submitting samples as required by our Permit to Operate a Waterworks. The 2023 Annual Notice to Consumers (report) on the water quality in our community is now available below.
2023 Drinking Water Quality & Compliance (pdf)
Files coming soon.
Truck Routes in the Town of Springside:
Pursuant to Town of Springside Bylaw No. 1-2006 the Heavy Vehicle/Truck Route in the Town of Springside is as follows:
Patrick Street from Highway 47 to Railway Avenue
Railway Avenue from Railway Street South to Sharman Street
Railway Street South from Highway 16 to Highway 47
(please see the attached map with the truck route highlighted)
ADDITIONALLY, Bylaw No. 1-2006 also states that no person shall park a vehicle with a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 5,500 kg on any residential streets or avenues within the Town of Springside. Parking is available on the west side of Railway Avenue ONLY.
AND FINALLY, the Bylaw also states that round-about on the west side of Railway Avenue between Sharman Street and Turner Avenue will have no parking and will only be available for vehicles to turn around.
Please help keep our streets in good condition by following these guidelines for heavy vehicles in the Town of Springside. Infractions of these bylaws will be reported to the Bylaw Control Officer resulting in tickets and fines.
Please be fire safe! Click the DOWNLOAD button to view the Tips for a Safe Fire Burn.
Tips for a Safe Fire Burn (jpg)
DownloadInterested in helping the community by being a volunteer firefighter? For information, contact Fire Chief Dave Sutter at, or pick up an application form at the Town Office.
Springside Town Office regular hours:
Monday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Tuesday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The Office is closed to the public on Wednesday.
Thursday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
The Office is closed over lunch from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
AND all Statutory Holidays
For parts of the Town of Springside, for more information please click "learn more"